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HMS Outreach Team

Excellence . Honour . Competence . Resilience

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-24 at 5.26.14 PM.

Who are we?

H.O.T. is the ambassador of Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Our objectives are to develop inter-personal skills, hone leadership abilities and to create everlasting bonds.

What we do?

We reach out to the public to inform them about what HMS has to offer. This is done through external events such as RED Camp, Open House, Parent’s Seminars, Outreach Talks and tours. Other than outreach events, we also have internal events such as Induction and Annual Bonding Camp.

H.O.T-involved events




We are the game planners - mainly to ideate and come up with games for HOT's internal events such as Induction and Annual Bonding Camp!



We are the creative blocks of HOT - responsible for designing publicity posts for our social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook!



We are the coordinators - in-charge of working with external organisations for events such as Community Service and workshops!

Meet our EXCOs


I am Kaylee, the current president of this CCA. I am a Year 2 student currently pursuing a diploma in Chinese Studies, Early Education track. I joined HOT as I had past experiences in Outreach programmes and I thorougly enjoyed it! One of my most memorable experience in HOT was planning and executing a bonding event, and I definitely learnt a lot from that experience. H.O.T has also provided me with opportunities to become a competent and confident leader. As the president, I hope to provide a safe environment with equal opportunities provided to everyone, in hopes that they will become competent, confident and proud of who they are! 


I am aretha, the current Vice-President of this CCA. i am currently in my second year or study, pursuing a diploma in early childhood developement & Education. ever since I joined HOT, HOT has been my happy place! I was exposed to many unique experiences that i dreamtng of having, such as being behind the scenes for big events like red camp, as well as planning and executing bonding camps to have fun with my fellow hot family! 


I am leanne, the current Secretary for this CCA. I am a Year 2 student currently pursuing a diploma in community development. i joined HOT as i was interested to plan and execute events like i did in my secondary school! One of the many interesting events i had was definitely the HMS outreach talks. I had the opportunity to share more about my course to my Secondary  School juniors! Planning events have also helped me gain interpersonal skills and I have made new friends across the different HMS courses! 


I am amirah, the current Training IC for HOT!i am a second year student pursuing a diploma in community development! I chose to join HOT as I hope to be a positive influence to my fellow hms friends as well as to give back meaningfully to the society, and it has been a meaningful journey for me thus far! HOT has provided me with the avenue to nurture into a leader, and gave me the opportunity to meet many wonderful HMS peers! 


I am cheyrl, a year 2 student pursuing a diploma in community development, and i am the current in-charge of internal public realtions, or IPR for short, in this CCA. I decided to join HOT AS I AM INTERESTED IN PLANNING EVENTS AND INTERACTING WITH DIFFERENT GROUPS OF  PEOPLE. Throughout my time in HOT, I was able to build on my leadership skills, adaptability during events and teamwork with the other members of HOT. This allowed me to become a more confident and empathetic individual, which is beneficial for me in the future!


I am Alicia, in my Second year of study, pursuing a diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education, and the current Co-In-Charge of External Public Relations, or EPR for short, together with Bernice. HOT has been an exteremly fulfilling journey for me, and i had the opportunity to participate in school-wide events like Open house 2021! HOT has provided me with ample opporutnities to grow as an individual, team player and now, as a leader. I have also met many like-minded HMS peers and many amazing people here in HOT! 


I am Bernice, the current Co-In-Charge of External Public Relations, or EPR for short, together with Alicia, and a Year 2 student currently pursuing a Diploma in Early Childhood Development & Education. I have always enjoyed planning events since secondary school, and in HOT, I am given many opportunities to plan and execute events such as the Annual Bonding Camp. Being in HOT has provided me the chance to strengthen my leadership skills as well as forge new friendships.Through HOT, I have met many new people as well as build on my Public Speaking Skills! 

Have any questions? Drop us a DM!

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