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  • HMS 旗下课外活动 Event-based CCA under HMS

  • 举办华族庆祝活动 Organise Chinese cultural events

  • 推广中华文化 Promote Chinese culture

  • 推广华文华语 Promote the use of Mandarin


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主席 President - 沈新雨 Clifton Sim 


活动策划 - 决定华苑未来一年的所有活动

Plan list of Huayuan's activities for the year

副主席 Vice President - 吴宣霏 Glenda Goh



Assist President's duties and maintain club’s discipline 

秘书 Secretary

赵云鸾 Zhao YunLuan

刘忆炜 Lew Yi Wei

财务 Finance

李慧欣 Lee Hui Xin

物流 Logistic

吕恩毓 Lu En Yu

舞墨主编 WuMo Editor Director

张梖真 Chong Bei Zhen

舞墨编辑 WuMo Editor

唐思懿 Tang Siyi

公关 Public Relations

吕珍珍 Lu Zhenzhen

摄影 & 设计顾问

Photography & Design Advisor

钟璟祺 Jay Cheng

摄影 Photography

陈佳妏 Chin Jia Wen

设计 Design

李姝函 Li Shuhan

大专阅读节 Inaugural National Tertiary Institution Chinese Reading Festival



本届阅读节的主题是“悦读‧阅快乐:以知识打造未来”, 希望广大同学们享受阅读的乐趣,领略文字的精髓。


Theme: Reading for Pleasure, to Create the Future through Knowledge Acquisition

The Inaugural National Tertiary Chinese Reading Festival, jointly organized by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning and the Department of Chinese Studies and Chinese Media & Communication, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ngee Ann Polytechnic aims at encouraging existing tertiary students to create original literary works and igniting their passion in the reading of Chinese works.

舞墨文学创作大赛 WuMo Creative Writing Competition


Submitted entries should fall into two categories, namely “short stories” and “poem and prose”. There will be no restrictions placed on entries’ themes and content. Entries will be read and judged anonymously with judgment carried out by distinguished authors and literary critics in Singapore.

乐学营 Fun Learning Camp (Finale Event)



Camp activities are specially designed based on Chinese Studies and Chinese Media & Communication’s course content. Participants can be exposed to what it takes to be a media reporter and experience the exciting process of putting their creativity in script writing and drama acting!

新年庆祝会 Chinese New Year Celebration



The Chinese New year Celebration is designed to allow students to bask in the festive mood. Goodies tasting, couplet writing, wish making on lanterns and riddle guessing are all part of the activities available for students to take part in. A lucky draw segment will also be held and students will stand a chance to win attractive prizes.

中秋节庆祝会 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

每逢中秋节, 华苑都会在校园内举办中秋庆祝会。其中,品尝月饼和制作灯笼都是庆祝会的亮点。全体师生都可在我们布置的活动摊位品尝各种口味的月饼,并把自己亲手制作的灯笼带回家。同学们也可以参加华苑举办的中秋幸运抽奖,赢取丰富的奖品。


The Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration allows students to learn more about this traditional Chinese festival through interesting activities at the booths set up. Booths available include mooncake tasting and lantern making. A lucky draw segment will also be held and students will stand a chance to win attractive prizes.

迎新会 Welcome Party



The Welcome party allows new members to learn more about Huayuan, WuMo and the ExCo. It is also the perfect opportunity for current members to interact and bond. 

一日营 One Day Bonding Camp



The One Day Bonding Camp allows Huayuan members to forge stronger ties with one another. The camp is organised with the purpose of increasing interaction between members so better chemistry is forged for future events.



WuMo is a platform that hosts Chinese creative writing contests regularly. We have different themes for our contests and are sure that you will be excited about them! Our past themes include "Confession Wall", "Time Travel" and “To You From The Skies”, etc. Winners will receive attractive prizes! This is definitely a splendid chance for those who want to develop your writing and imagination skills! Be prepared and let's get creative!



Have an interest in promoting Chinese culture?

Don’t hesitate to join us now!

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